Nemausus III


Nemausus II

Nemausus IV

oil on canvas

92 x 73 cm

oil on canvas

92 x 73 cm

oil on canvas

80 x 80 cm

oil on canvas

73 x 92 cm

Nemausus VII

Nemausus VIII

Nemausus V

Nemausus VI

oil on canvas

92 x 73 cm

oil on canvas

70 x 50 cm

oil on canvas

100 x 80 cm

oil on canvas

80 x 80 cm

Nemausus XI

Nemausus XII

Nemausus X

Nemausus V

oil on canvas

92 x 73 cm

oil on canvas

92 x 73 cm

oil on canvas

80 x 80 cm

oil on canvas

100 x 80 cm

Nemausus XIII

Nemausus XIV

Nemausus XV

Nemausus XVI (spring)

oil on canvas

60 x 60 cm

oil on canvas

100 x 100 cm

oil on canvas

46 x 33 cm

oil on canvas

80 x 80 cm

Nemausus XIVII !fountain)

Nemausus XVIII (Quay)

Nemausus XIX (Bridge)

Nemausus xx fountain and pool

oil on canvas

60 x 60 cm

oil on canvas

80 x 80 cm

oil on canvas

80 x 80 cm

oil on canvas

80 x 80 cm


Nīmes : Nemausus

One day in early summer, I had two hours to kill in Nīmes, On the spur of the moment I decided to take a walk in the Jardins de la Fontaine. This is where there is a spring which supplied the Roman city with fresh water They called it Nemausus after a nymph in Roman mythology, a name they also gave to the city.

In the 18th c. Jacques Philippe Mareschala created the gardens with a series of pools, a fountainand a canal to transport water from the spring. I looked over the balustrade into a pool and watched the movements of the carp and their shadows. A new idea for a series grabbed me...